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I thought I read that they were developing boosters for the delta variant but I'm not sure.
X (formerly Twitter)X
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I thought I read that they were developing boosters for the delta variant but I'm not sure.
X (formerly Twitter)X
Watching Domina on Crave made start watching I, Claudius, and it's super interesting to see the same historical figures portrayed on two entirely different shows, with two entirely different agendas
X (formerly Twitter)Pip (@philippawarr) on X
I like big butts and I cannot lie. The person guarding the other door likes big butts and cannot tell the truth...
Poets.orgGood Bones
Life is short, though I keep this from my children.
May 29, 2021, 2:18 PM -04:00When did you join the IndieWeb?
(Hopefully this appears at I think I first heard of the IndieWeb movement in 2016 sometime. It’s a bit hazy now, but I’ve a memory that I stumbled on it through a trail of links starting on Wikity. I’ve tinkered with web sites in some form or another for a long time, and I have happy memories of various weird Geocities experiments, sadly lost to the sands of time it seems. As far as independently hosting goes, I appear to have had a self-hosted blog since 2006 at ...
X (formerly Twitter)PHILOSOPHY ON X (@philosophytweet) on X
“I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart; I am, I am, I am.” - Sylvia Plath
X (formerly Twitter)X
Got my first shot #HousePfizer !
Bookmark of
Apr 14, 2021, 12:15 AM -04:00How to Sign Users In with IndieAuth
This post will show you step by step how you can let people log in to your website with their own IndieAuth website so you don't need to worry about user accounts or passwords. What is IndieAuth? IndieAuth is an extension of OAuth 2.0 that enables an individual website like someone's WordPress, Gitea or OwnCast instance to become its own identity provider. This means you can use your own website to sign in to other websites that support IndieAuth. You can learn more about the differences be...
I've of the things I have to deal with in Spanish: 'sombrero' means 'hat', and I sort of already knew this, but I always associated it with a very specific kind of hat, not hats in general.
First practical duolingo result: I now understand that the chihuahua was saying "I want Taco Bell"
Slack EngineeringInterop’s Labyrinth: Sharing Code Between Web & Electron Apps - Slack Engineering
While it’s no secret that the cross-platform Slack Desktop app is built on Electron, it might be slightly less well known that it’s a hybrid app built around our web app ( This is one of Electron’s most compelling draws — not only can you build a cross-platform desktop app from scratch with the web technologies you …
Zack Snyder's Justice League. A better movie, but not a good movie.
Thinking of trying eleventy. But I've put some much effort into my pelican setup. Hrm.
I apparently own all six cancelled Dr. Seuss books
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I don't organize my bookmarks, though I've always meant to. That being said, isn't the point of IndieWeb's bookmark entry type to avoid relying on an external service for this?
Feb 15, 2021, 4:25 AM -05:00Testing a new browser gave me the incentive and opportunity to clean up my pile of "bookmarks". Wondering how most people use and organise their browser #bookmarks? Do you keep everything in separate folders? Never gotten around in using one of those "pinning" services, even-though I've been "bookmarking" interesting things using my "Known CMS" site, but I don't organise those properly using tags.
I love how the media is covering this impeachment trial as if a conviction were an actual possibility.
TIL that the chinese word for penguin literally translates as "business goose".
X (formerly Twitter)Katie Mack (@AstroKatie) on X
A person I’ve never met dances gleefully to a song I’ve never heard and I am smiling for days. The sun shines on the snow and the tree shadows draw dark lines across the yard and I am filled with joy. Two people who don’t even exist fall in love in a novel and I am ecstatic.
X (formerly Twitter)PHILOSOPHY ON X (@philosophytweet) on X
Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery. - Jane Austen
CSS-TricksBuilding a Real-Time Chat App with React and Firebase | CSS-Tricks
In this article, we’ll cover key concepts for authenticating a user with Firebase in a real-time chat application. We’ll integrate third-party auth providers
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Wait... did I miss something? What's wrong with shortbread?
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I used to use the Big Brother Database from Emacs but these days I don't use anything in particular and I'd like to change that.
Jan 9, 2021, 10:25 AM -05:00What do you use to manage the contact details of all your friends, family and other contacts?
Hidde de Vries ( is a web enthusiast and accessibility specialist from Rotterdam (The Netherlands). He currently works with the NL Design System team and is a participant in the Open UI Community Group. Previously, he worked for W3C (WAI), Mozilla, the Dutch government and others as a freelancer. Hidde spoke at 64 events, most recently in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Buy me a coffee Follow @hdv on MastodonJan 3, 2021, 7:00 PM -05:00How I turned my Goodreads data into a self-hosted website with Eleventy
In the last week of 2020, I decided to export my Goodreads data to display it on my personal website. This post is about what I did and how. Screenshot Why export? First, I quite like Goodreads. It lets me see the reads of friends and acquaintances. It lets me share my own. This is all splendid, but it is still somebody else’s site. Somebody with very different life goals from my own, in fact. For more control on what I display and how, I decided to create a new section of this website ded...