beige.party𝐿𝒶𝓃𝒶 "not yet begun to fight" (
Does it feel hopeless right now? Do you feel powerless? Let me offer you the following facts: 1. Tesla is tanking so hard right now they had to parade a bunch of cars in front of the fucking White House just to try to boost sales. 2. Target and Walmart have seen sales tank so drastically in the last month they are immediately rolling back their anti DEI stances. 3. Congress has never in history seen this amount of call volume. They typically get 40-50 calls a minute. They are currently trying to field upwards of 1,600-2,000 calls every minute. 4. The Resistance has been so vocal at town halls that the GOP had to officially instruct Republican congressmen to stop doing them. 5. This administration hasn't been able to make a single tariff stick for longer than 3 days because of all the fallout. You. Are. Powerful. They expected you to just put your head down and roll over and do nothing. Instead you resisted. You fought back. You showed up. And you continue to show up. You're showing up for education. For veterans. For trans folk. For women. For immigrants. For people of color. For free speech. For international allies. You're showing up for what's right and you're refusing to obey fascism in advance. And what's more, there is no coordinated response among the elected officials, judges, and appointed GOP heads. They're floundering. All of them. They weren't expecting this. And they have no idea what to do about it.
All Posts
Mar 13, 2025, 11:22 PM -04:00 -
Mar 13, 2025, 1:21 PM -04:00 I have downloaded an app called "Buy Beaver" and I can't believe it's come to this
Feb 3, 2025, 10:28 PM -05:00 Ton ZijlstraSep 15, 2019, 10:21 AM -04:00Joining RSS Club as an Experiment
A few days ago Frank Meeuwsen wrote a posting only available through his RSS feed, not otherwise easily visible on his blog. His RSS only postings do still have URLs of course and can be directly accessed that way. But they do not show up on the front page, in search, or as part of archive overviews. It’s open secret so to say. Public but somewhat hidden. He’s replicating an idea by Dave Rupert, who started what he called RSS Club early last year. More on RSS Club further down. Limiting Week... -
Feb 3, 2025, 10:25 PM -05:00 Bookmark of
a manually curated collection of neat indie websites :) -
Feb 3, 2025, 10:24 PM -05:00 Bookmark of a place to find good blogs that interest you
A collection of 2,300 blogs about every topic -
Jan 30, 2025, 9:36 PM -05:00 It's Not Nostalgia, Exactly
I have spent most of my life in Montreal but there was a decent sized chunk in the middle, spanning high school and university, when I lived in Toronto.
I still visit Toronto not infrequently. I have a soft spot for it; at the very least, I don't harbour quite the same level visceral hatred a lot of people seem to lob at the city.
But I haven't lived there for over 20 years. Obviously, a lot has changed in that time. I'm not sure I could live there now. I mean, I guess I could but my life would look very different. The place is so huge, and the housing so expensive, that I'm not sure it would be a good trade.
Jan 21, 2025, 6:04 PM -05:00 ChaosfemEmily 🏳️⚧️ (Injection Arc) ( You know, I really think there's just this vast untapped market for movies like Muppet Christmas Carol. It's a movie, and 95% of the cast is Muppets, and no one ever remarks on this. Played absolutely straight. Is that Animal in a still suit? Did John Wick just get in a knife fight with Kermit? Did Mrs Piggy jjust avert a world war by translating a language so hard she saw the future and created a stable time loop? FUCK YEAH. I've never watched Inception, but can you honestly say it wouldn't be better with Muppets? -
Jan 19, 2025, 7:35 PM -05:00 I Never Considered Myself Naive
I never thought that the law applied equally to rich people and poor people. I never considered myself that naive. I had always understood that rich people could break the law in ways that poor people simply couldn't.
But I had always assumed that the way this worked in practice was that being rich just came with a heightened ability to cover your tracks. I had always assumed that, rich or poor, it was of supreme importance not to get caught, and that being rich simply bought you more options in that regard. Maybe you could bribe a police officer, or a judge, and make the charges go away. Maybe you could afford to hire someone to do the dirty work for you, or take the fall for you if it came to that.
Jan 10, 2025, 8:27 AM -05:00 Bookmark of
Ben MezgerOrg-roam Firefox bookmark
tags Org-mode Emacs Org-roam Org-roam has roam-protocol, which we can call throughout the system just like Org-mode Firefox bookmarks. Org-roam protocol supports specifying the roam template to use. Template is the template key for a template in org-roam-capture-ref-templates. More documentation on the templating system can be found here. These templates should contain a #+ROAM_KEY: ${ref} in it. Roam-ref protocol # Find and creates from with a specific ROAM_KEY javascript:location.href = 'org-protocol://roam-ref?template=r&ref=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(document.title) -
Jan 10, 2025, 8:27 AM -05:00 Bookmark of
Ben MezgerOrg-mode Firefox bookmarks
tags Org-mode Emacs Add the following scripts to call org-capture from Firefox Call capture template # The following calls capture template key n javascript:location.href='org-protocol://capture?template=n'+'&url='+encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)+'&title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+'&body='+encodeURIComponent(window.getSelection()); Without a capture template # If unspecified, the template key is set in the variable org-protocol-default-template-key. The following template placeholders are available: %:link The URL %:description The webpage title %:annotation Equivalent to [[%:link][%:description]] %i The selected text See: -
Dec 30, 2024, 2:16 PM -05:00 Bookmark of
GitLabHoward Abrams / emacs-rpgdm · GitLab
Emacs package of functions for helping support the Dungeon Master in a Role-playing Game. -
Dec 30, 2024, 2:15 PM -05:00 Bookmark of
A toolkit of functions for writing RPGs in Emacs. An emphasis is placed on Solo RPGs organized in Org-formatted files, but we can grow this. -
Dec 25, 2024, 7:45 AM -05:00 -
Dec 21, 2024, 12:36 PM -05:00 Reply to
I've actually been toying with the idea of switching to Hugo to learn some Go and also because the org mode integration is a bit better.
social.lolJack Baty (
My Hugo blog is working just fine, so of course my brain is nagging me with thoughts like, "But, but, but remember Eleventy? That sure was neat!" -
Dec 21, 2024, 12:30 PM -05:00 Reply to
I've been using Eleventy for my blog for the last 3 years or so, and I'm finding the experience...okay? It's more complicated to set up than Pelican, which I was using before, but also a lot more amenable to programming yourself out of problems.
social.lolJack Baty (
My Hugo blog is working just fine, so of course my brain is nagging me with thoughts like, "But, but, but remember Eleventy? That sure was neat!" -
Dec 16, 2024, 7:47 PM -05:00 Annual Christmas tree snap
Dec 14, 2024, 4:01 PM -05:00 This is the year for tech upgrades, I guess. New tiny computer, new customizable keyboard and new smaller external storage.
Dec 7, 2024, 12:07 PM -05:00 Anatomy of a Post
My blog is based around Eleventy, which means I write my entries in plain text, using Markdown and YAML front matter, a combo which I'm sure is familiar to most users of static site generators.
I also participate in the IndieWeb, which means I post many different kinds of content other than your standard blog posts - notes, likes, photos, etc.
I find it useful to divide my content in two main types: original content, where the focus is on my own published material, and derivative content, which only makes sense in the context of another, external URL.
Dec 5, 2024, 11:16 AM -05:00 First real snow fall of the year. Boot weather is here!
Dec 5, 2024, 10:37 AM -05:00 I can't be the only one who often catches himself saying "When I graduate" when I mean to say "When I retire", right?
Nov 25, 2024, 7:58 PM -05:00 Madrid Is the Toronto of Spain, and That's Okay
Madrid marked the end of our trip to Spain. Our plane home flew out of there and so we decided to spend the evening before exploring what we could of the city. We boarded a train from Seville and arrived at our hotel around 4pm that day.
I would argue Madrid is the Toronto of Spain from the point of view of visiting Canadians because, like Toronto, it's the largest city in the country as well as its economic hub and also the city that everyone loves to hate.
I've said this before but I'll say it again - everyone loves Barcelona. No one loves Madrid. Madrid, by all popular accounts, is mediocre at best.
Nov 25, 2024, 7:10 PM -05:00 A Distinct Lack of Barbers
I'm 47 years old, and most of the people I work with are much younger than I am - often in their 20's and 30's. Cultural references that I think are universal sometimes turn out to be pretty specific to my age group in ways that surprise me.
Take something like Bugs Bunny. Most people, young and old, have of course heard of Bugs Bunny but it turns out that not a lot of young people grew up watching it. I have, and it is because of this cartoon that I happen to vaguely know some of the music to The Barber of Seville.
Nov 9, 2024, 12:53 PM -05:00 Nov 9, 2024, 9:31 AM -05:00Optimism
I think of myself of as an optimist. It makes me insufferable sometimes. When someone is having a moan about something in the news and they say something like “people are terrible”, I can’t resist weighing in with a “well, actually…” Then I’ll start channeling Rutger Bregman, Rebecca Solnit, and Hans Rosling, pointing to all the evidence that people are, by and large, decent. I should really just read the room and shut up. I opened my talk Of Time And The Web with a whole spiel about how we... -
Oct 25, 2024, 8:38 PM -04:00 Looking for Paella in All the Wrong Places
The COVID-19 pandemic put a cramp in my travel habits, as it did with everyone. The last overseas trip that Evelyn and I went on was to Poland in 2016 for a wedding and the last one that we actually planned was to Greece in 2015 (and, my God, it's hard for me to accept that Greece 9 years ago). We've been to a handful of relatively local destinations in the interim (Vancouver, New York, PEI) but nothing particularly foreign.
And while I do remain part of an increasingly small minority of people who still thinks about the pandemic in the present tense, I also wanted to finally visit someplace a bit more exotic.
Oct 15, 2024, 3:45 PM -04:00 Reply to
I recently saw this up close!
PixelfedNicolas Hoizey (
“The walls of the Alcazar of Seville” The Alcázar of Seville is a fortified palace (alcázar) built in Seville by the Umayyads of Spain and modified several times during and after the Muslim period. It is considered the most brilliant example of Mudejar architecture on the Iberian Peninsula. 🔎 📅 21 September 2004 📸 Konica KD-400Z 🎛️ ISO 100, ƒ/4.7, 1/160 s #Travel #TravelPhotography #Europe #Spain #Andalusia #Photography #Konica