From Pelican to Eleventy
After roughly five years, I've finally decided to switch my blog over from Pelican to Eleventy. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't at least partially swayed by the fact that all the cool kids seemed to be doing it but, with that in mind, I do have some (hopefully) legitimate reasons for making the switch.
Pelican bills itself as a static site generator, and so it is, but one that focuses more on traditional, single user blogs. Pelican can, of course, be used as a CMS, and you can certainly use it to create arbitrary, standalone pages and websites, but the features in support of this usage seem more bolted on than organic. There are certain assumptions built into Pelican that stem from its original purpose as a blogging engine that are occasionally irritating to circumvent.
For example, Pelican assumes that your website consists of a single blog (with the attendant pages that you'd expect to go along with it, like tag, archive, and article listings), perhaps alongside a collection of arbitrary, standalone pages, and the template system revolves around this dichotomy. It doesn't really support the idea of multiple, independent streams of content - at least, not without some kind of plugin to make it work.
Add to this the fact that Pelican enforces titles on all its blog posts and it's immediately clear that using it in an indieweb context is somewhat of an uphill battle. The indieweb divides personal content up into different post types, most commonly articles (standard blog entries) and notes (short, titleless posts reminiscent of tweets) and it's natural to want to provide separate views for these. I ended up hijacking Pelican's notion of a "category" to manage it - articles were one category, notes another - but that seemed hackish from the get go. Of course, that meant that I had to get rid of the categories I already had (like "technical" and "travel"), and for a while I mitigated this by using a "subcategories" plugin, but I eventually just got rid of them entirely since they ended up being more trouble than they were worth.
Eleventy doesn't have these problems to quite the same extent because Eleventy really is an arbitrary static site generator, not a blogging engine, and is therefore less hampered by built-in assumptions about how it will be used. You can certainly make a blog with Eleventy, but this is less of an explicit, baked-in feature and more of a particular way of using the software.
To put it another way, Eleventy feels set up for easy hacking out of the box and this makes it quite nice to use, even when you find yourself having to program a lot of the missing features yourself.
I'll hopefully have more to say about this later when I write up some notes on how I got my not-so-simple indieweb enabled website to play nice with Eleventy. For now, suffice it to say that the experience wasn't horrible.
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