CSS-TricksConsiderations for Using Markdown Writing Apps on Static Sites | CSS-Tricks
If you run or have recently switched to a static site generator, you might find yourself writing a lot of Markdown. And the more you write it, the more you
Oct 8, 2021, 12:03 AM -04:00 -
Oct 14, 2020, 7:38 PM -04:00 -
Sep 7, 2020, 11:16 PM -04:00 Bookmark of https://jlelse.blog/dev/miniflux-blogroll/
Jul 9, 2020, 9:00 AM -04:00How my blogroll gets generated (now completely automatic!)
Yesterday I teased a new post about how I automated my blogroll generation by writing a Go script and using the Miniflux API. Here it is.Up until yesterday, I always updated my blogroll manually. I wrote about that process here. It was a bit of automation but not completely automated. I fixed that and now do what Robert van Bregt suggested or what Jan Boddez does with his WordPress plugin.To generate my site I use a self-hosted instance of Drone CI (I already wrote about that a few times) wit... -
Jul 31, 2020, 4:15 PM -04:00 Interconnected, a blog by Matt WebbHow would I improve RSS? Three ideas
Posted on Wednesday 29 Jul 2020. 1,702 words, 7 links. By Matt Webb. -
May 24, 2020, 12:12 PM -04:00 Bookmark of http://tttthis.com/blog/if-i-could-bring-one-thing-back-to-the-internet-it-would-be-blogs
Datenstrom YellowIf I could bring one thing back to the internet it would be blogs
Nowadays especially it's nice to have things to read. New things, things from various sources and various voices, various minds talking about their t… -
May 12, 2020, 7:02 AM -04:00 Venkatesh RaoA Text Renaissance
There is a renaissance underway in online text as a medium. The Four Horsemen of this emerging Textopia are: Roam, a hypertext publishing platform best understood as a medium for composing conspiracy theories and extended universes.Substack, a careful and thorough ground-up neoclassical reconstruction of the age-old email newsletter.Static websites, built out of frameworks like Jekyll or Gatsby (full disclosure: a consulting client).And finally, Threaded Twitter, a user-pioneered hack-tur... -
Apr 27, 2020, 2:06 PM -04:00 Apr 26, 2020, 1:32 PM -04:00A short post mortem, video and note links, and challenge from The Garden and the Stream IndieWebCamp Pop-up session
Thank you everyone! For those who attended yesterday’s The Garden and the Stream IndieWebCamp session, thank you for participating! I honestly only expected 4 or 5 wiki fans to show up, so I was overwhelmed with the crowd that magically appeared from across multiple countries and timezones. I’ve heard from many–both during the session and privately after–that it was a fantastic and wide-ranging conversation. (I never suspected memory palaces or my favorite 13th century Franciscan tertiary to ... -
Apr 22, 2020, 1:34 PM -04:00 Bookmark of https://jlelse.blog/posts/why-no-blog/
Apr 19, 2020, 3:31 AM -04:00Why HN readers don’t have a blog
Yesterday, I asked the Hacker News community why they don’t have blogs, even though they have the necessary technical skills.Many Hacker News readers and contributors have the technical skills to run their own blog and post their opinions. But instead they prefer to use Twitter or other social networks. Why is this so? Is it the effort?I want to respond to some of the answers in this post:I don’t want an extremely public record of my personal opinions or thoughts today, because I know they’re... -
Feb 25, 2020, 12:59 PM -05:00 Feb 24, 2020, 3:39 AM -05:00Exploring Pine.blog
I’d noticed Pine.blog before at a previous IndieWebCamp, but not had time to delve into it very deeply. Seeing some of what Brian Schrader has been working on while following IndieWebCamp Austin remotely this weekend has reminded about the project. As a result, I’ve been spending some time tonight to check out some of the functionality that it’s offering. In part, I’m curious how similar, or not, it is to what Micro.blog is offering specifically with respect to the idea of IndieWeb as a Servi...