Animats and Active Vision Systems in Realistic 3D Virtual Worlds
My fourth year undergraduate thesis (required to graduate from Engineering Science at U of T) was done under Demetri Terzopoulos. This was one of the more interesting projects I've ever worked on.
(Note that this is not quite the same as a graduate thesis. Undergraduate theses are basically glorified research projects where you are not really expected to come up with anything original. Thank God.)
I started thinking about my thesis near the end of my third year. I had this idea that I could work for my thesis professor (whoever that turned out to be) during the summer and then continue on into my fouth year. My main method of research consisted of perusing the various homepages of the various professors at U of T, hoping to stumble onto something worth doing. That was when I ran into Terzopoulos' homepage and I was hooked.
The first step was to convince him to actually take me as thesis student. This in itself was challenging, since the guy is nearly impossible to get a hold of; he has a reputation of working odd hours. When I finally managed to corner him in his office, the first question he asked was whether I knew how to program. This took me by surprise; did he think I would ask to be his student if I didn't know my way around at least one or two programming languages? I ended up showing him work I did on the Graphics Pipeline to seal the deal.
The next step was to get an NSERC grant. This turned out to be easy as pie. There must have been more grants than applicants. I don't think anyone who applied got turned down.
Terzopoulos's work in the past mostly revolved around simulations of fish in marine habitats. The idea for my thesis was to transplant the vision algorithms used by the fish into a realistic 3D urban environment and then create a human model (called an animat) to go with it (or, at least, to get as far as I could in this task). Creating a realistic human model from scratch is a thesis project in itself, so we decided to try and use something called DI-Guy from Boston Dynamics
My summer was loads of fun. I got to work in both the AI and Graphics labs at U of T, on big SGI machines. The software I used was SGI Performer and it turned out that one of the town simulations that came with Performer suite was perfect as a "realistic 3D urban environment". It was just left for me to actually get it up and running and to implement the vision system.
Anyway, if you're interested, I have the final paper. It was originally written in LaTeX, but I unfortunately lost all the LaTeX code when my hard drive crashed. I did manage to save the PostScript, which is what you get here.
Oh, and I got a 98% :)